
Annual Calendar and Deadlines for AP Coordinators

The following is an overview of the deadlines and milestones for AP coordinators throughout the year.

Note: All AP Exams are administered following the AP Exam schedule.

July–September 2024 (the start of the school year)

  • July 1: The new school year starts on AP Classroom.
  • August 1: Principals and AP coordinators receive an email with the access code that AP coordinators need to access AP Registration and Ordering for this school year.
  • Access AP Registration and Ordering. Use the access code to log in to AP Registration and Ordering, complete initial setup, submit the AP Participation Form, and create class sections.
  • Ensure that new AP teachers have added their course(s) in AP Course Audit and have completed the AP Course Audit form, and had the form approved by their school’s AP Course Audit administrator. New AP teachers need to complete these steps before class sections can be created for their courses and to be able to access AP Classroom.
  • Students join class sections. Students use the join code they get for each section from their AP teachers or the AP coordinator.
  • Review the AP Coordinator’s Manual, Part 1.
  • Register for available Learning Opportunities for AP Coordinators.
  • Share exam dates with teachers and administrators.
  • Complete the AP Participation Survey (emailed in September).
  • Review 2024-25 processes with your principal, AP teachers, and AP students. 
  • Share AP Exam information with students and parents. Make sure information about exam ordering deadlines and fees is explained clearly at AP information sessions and in any materials your school may provide about your AP program.
  • Make a plan for fee collection. The deadline for exam payments to College Board is June 15. Read more about collecting fees.
  • Determine when information will be available to identify students who are eligible for fee reductions. You'll need to indicate eligible students for College Board AP Exam fee reductions in AP Registration and Ordering by April 30, 2025.
  • Meet with the SSD coordinator. Discuss the eligibility process and AP students who have approved or expected accommodations for AP Exams. You’ll need this information to order special exam formats for approved students. Learn more about accommodations.
  • Confirm your school’s policy about administering exams for homeschooled students or students from other schools. Review details about ordering exams for students from other schools.
  • Connect online. Join the AP Coordinator Community.
  • AP coordinators attend webinars and discuss digital AP Exam requirements with teachers, administrators, and technology staff.
  • Digital Exams: Students and teachers can download the Bluebook testing app to explore sample AP Exam questions and try out the tools.

October 2024

  • October 4: Preferred ordering deadline (recommended). See how to submit your order. It's also recommended that student enrollments are completed by this date.
  • AP Course Audit Deadlines: Oct. 1 is the preferred AP Course Audit submission and renewal deadline for AP Computer Science Principles course materials to access the AP Digital Portfolio. Oct. 15 is the preferred deadline for administrators to renew previously authorized courses for the 2024-25 school year. This ensures courses are included in the release of the AP Course Ledger on Nov. 1. (Administrators should also correct any inaccuracies or omissions before the release date.)
  • Check the school schedule for conflicts with the AP Exam administration. Identify which students have known conflicts (academic and/or athletic) and may need late testing.

November 2024

  • Create your digital AP Exam readiness plan
    • Connect with your IT staff to plan for digital readiness.
    • AP coordinators and teachers attend readiness training and develop a digital AP Exam readiness plan. 
    • Register for any upcoming webinars.
    • Recruit proctors and technology monitors and schedule proctor and technology monitor training for late April.
    • Confirm your school’s technology coordinator contact information in AP Registration and Ordering. Go to  Settings/School Information  and find the current technology coordinator under  Participation Contacts. Your technology coordinator is responsible for installing apps on school-managed devices. If your school isn’t testing with school-managed devices, the technology coordinator is responsible for the school’s network and other systems.
  • November 15, 11:59 p.m. ET: Final ordering deadline for all full-year and fall semester AP courses and all exam only sections. Exams orders submitted after this date will incur an additional $40 per exam late order fee, with some exceptions. Learn more about AP Exam Fees.
  • The AP Course Ledger of authorized 2024-25 AP courses is available.
  • 2024 AP Exam large-volume rebate checks are mailed. Rebates are mailed to AP coordinators who administered at least 150 exams and who indicated their intended use of the rebate in AP Registration and Ordering.

December 2024

  • AP Potential™ is available for the latest PSAT/NMSQT administration.
  • See if you’ll need off-site testing. Ensure compliance with exam administration and security procedures and begin securing facilities. Learn more about off-site testing.
  • Check in with the SSD coordinator. Review accommodations approvals that have changed or still need to be submitted.

January 2025

  • January 24: Deadline to submit accommodations requests and supporting documentation (if needed) through SSD Online. Learn more about accommodations.
  • January 31: AP Course Audit deadline. Final deadline for initial AP Course Audit submissions, all renewals, removal of teachers and courses, addition of online/distance learning courses, and AP Course Audit form approvals for 2024-25 courses. Learn more about the AP Course Audit.
  • Digital Exams: Ensure there’s adequate Wi-Fi and power in rooms that will be used for administering digital exams.
  • Reserve testing rooms with the best possible conditions for student performance and to ensure compliance with exam administration and security procedures.
  • Schedule a proctor training session for late April. Learn more about preparing proctors.

February 2025

  • Organize any necessary changes to your exam order so you're prepared before the March 14 spring course orders and fall order changes deadline.
  • Prepare special equipment or procedures. Review and reserve the equipment required for exams that need special preparation or are administered with accommodations.
  • Digital Exams: Confirm with your school’s designated technology coordinator that Bluebook™ is already installed and updated, or can be approved in time to install on school-managed testing devices before the AP Exam administration.
  • Digital Exams: Confirm your school’s technology setup with your school’s technology staff and ask them to prepare devices, configure the network, and help you choose testing rooms. 
  • Digital Exams: If students are using personal devices to test, direct them to download Bluebook.

March 2025

  • March 14, 11:59 p.m. ET: Spring course orders and fall order changes deadline. Make any changes to existing exam orders or submit new exam orders by this deadline, including for courses that began after November 15. 
  • Before March 14, review any students listed as  No  or  Undecided  in  AP Registration and Ordering  and check with them to confirm their exam plans.
  • Digital Exams: Technology staff prepare devices and configure the network to ensure managed devices meet requirements, Bluebook is up to date, and all necessary traffic can pass through the network. 
  • AP coordinators and proctors review exam day guides and proctor training resources to prepare for administering AP Exams, including the AP Coordinator Exam Day Guide and the AP Proctor Exam Day Guide.
  • Encourage AP teachers to have students try test previews in Bluebook next month as an in-class or at-home assignment. If students can log in to Bluebook on their testing device and complete test previews, they are ready to test.
  • Use the Estimated Timing Table in the 2024-25 AP Coordinator’s Manual, Part 2 to determine the total time needed for each exam administration.
  • Order proctor supplies and appoint the required number of proctors. There must be a proctor in the exam room at all times, including during the break.
  • Confirm that all students can sign in to their College Board student account.
  • For AP Exams in French, German, Italian, and Spanish Language and Culture, AP Spanish Literature and Culture, and AP Music Theory, make sure there will be a way to play CDs on exam day.
  • AP Course Audit website begins accepting submissions for new courses offered for the 2024-25 school year. Learn more about AP Course Audit.

April 2025

  • April 30, 11:59 p.m. ET: Deadline to indicate students’ fee reduction status AP Registration and Ordering.

  • April 30, 11:59 p.m. ET: Deadline to order students’ free-response booklets or score labels for the 2024 AP Exam administration (optional). See the AP Coordinator’s Manual, Part 2 for more information.
  • April 30, 11:59 p.m. ET: Deadline for AP Computer Science Principles students to submit their Create performance task as final in the AP Digital Portfolio. 
  • April 30, 11:59 p.m. ET: Deadline for AP Capstone (AP Seminar and AP Research) students to submit their performance tasks as final in the AP Digital Portfolio.
  • Digital Exams: Share the AP Proctor Exam Day Guide with all proctors. They should review it before the exam administration.
  • Digital Exams: AP coordinators set up Test Day Toolkit, add exam rooms, and grant access to proctors. Confirm that relevant testing staff have signed in to Test Day Toolkit.
  • Digital Exams: Confirm that all testing staff who will be using Test Day Toolkit on exam day have an appropriate personal or school-managed device.
  • Digital Exams: Share the  AP Technical Troubleshooting Guide  with the technology monitors.
  • Digital Exams: Hold proctor training sessions and confirm that all proctors have a College Board professional account and can sign in to it.
  • Digital Exams: If students with approved accommodations are planning to take an AP Exam using assistive technology, remind them that it’s important to practice using and configuring assistive technology with Bluebook.
  • Digital Exams: Confirm that all students have successfully signed in to Bluebook and can launch test previews.
  • Digital Exams: Remind students who are bringing their own testing device to arrive with their power cord and the device fully charged.
  • Receive exam materials and AP ID label sheets. The AP ID label sheets will be sent in a separate shipment from your exam materials. Check all shipments for accuracy. Contact AP Services for Educators if there are any problems.
  • Explain prohibited devices policy. Send a strong message to students that cell phones and other prohibited electronic devices aren’t allowed in the testing room. Students can review exam policies and guidelines.
  • Arrange for the setup of desks, tables, and chairs, if needed. Learn more about seating policy.
  • Review the details of the exam schedule, proctors, rooms, and required equipment.
  • Meet with SSD coordinator to review the details of exams administered with accommodations. Learn more about accommodations.
  • If administering AP French, German, Italian, or Spanish Language and Culture Exams or the AP Music Theory Exam, make sure you have access to the DAS portal. (Create a new account if necessary.)
  • Paper Exams: Ensure that proctors know how to complete the Nonstandard Administration Report for each exam taken with accommodations.
  • Remind students to review the AP Exam Terms and Conditions.
  • Check testing sites. Make sure the testing sites and testing rooms meet exam security requirements.

May 2025

Regularly Scheduled AP Exam Dates: May 5–9, May 12–16. See Exam Dates for the complete schedule.

Late-Testing Exam Dates: May 19–23.

  • Administer the exams following the procedures in the AP Coordinator’s Manual, Part 2, the AP Exam Instructions book, the AP Coordinator Exam Day Guide, and AP Proctor Exam Day Guide.
  • Digital Exams: In Test Day Toolkit, use the  Action  drop-down on the  All Staff  page to grant full access to staff.
  • May 9, 8 p.m. ET: Deadline for AP Art and Design students to submit their three portfolio components as final in the AP Digital Portfolio. Learn more about AP Art and Design.
  • After Testing
    • Digital Exams: Reach out to any students who have not successfully submitted their exam responses online. Students have 4 calendar days to submit their responses after the exam, if needed.
    • Complete and submit incident reports through  AP Registration and Ordering, if needed.
    • Complete the post-administration survey.
    • Schedule and arrange for any last-minute late-testing exams.
    • Return exam materials. Ensure all materials associated with the exams are accounted for. Deadlines for returning AP Exam materials differ according to how many exams were ordered. Learn more about returning exam materials.
    • Access your invoice through AP Registration and Ordering. Learn more about the invoice process.

June 2025

  • June 1: Deadline for the AP Program to receive all exam materials. Schools are billed twice the fee for each exam in shipments received after this date.
  • June 15: Postmark deadline for exam payment to the AP Program. Late payments incur a $225 fee.
  • June 15: AP Exam large-volume rebate deadline: Deadline to indicate in AP Registration and Ordering the intended use for the large-volume rebate if your school administered 150 or more exams this year. Learn more about the rebate.
  • June 20: Deadline for students to indicate or change the recipient of their free score report through My AP.



AP Coordinator Resource Library

Find the AP Coordinator's Manual and other resources to support the AP Exam administration.

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