
Accessing and Paying Your Invoice

This page provides information on steps to take after the exams, Review complete information in the AP Coordinator’s Manual, Part 2.

Deadline to Return Payment 

The postmark deadline for payments to be submitted to the AP Program is  June 15, 2025. Late payments incur a $225 late fee.

Steps to Complete Before the Invoice is Generated  

To ensure your invoice is accurate, make sure you’ve completed the following before the invoice is generated:  

  • Indicate students eligible for fee reductions by April 30 (11:59 p.m. ET). 
  • Indicate unused paper exams per student per exam.
    • Note: Digital AP Exams (including hybrid digital) don’t need to be marked as unused. This will be automatically updated after the exam for any students who didn’t test.

Accessing Your Invoice

Your invoice is directly generated by AP Registration and Ordering using the information from your exam order and emailed to you after the late-testing administration ends. You can also access a copy of your invoice in AP Registration and Ordering once it’s been generated.

Returning Your Payment

If you owe a balance, send back the remittance portion of the invoice with your payment. Mail it to the AP Program postmarked by June 15, 2025, using the Remittance Return envelope provided with your exam shipment. If you lose the envelope that came with the exam shipment, refer to the address listed on the invoice.

Important: All checks should be made payable to College Board. Payment must be in U.S. dollars and drawn on a U.S. bank. Do not send cash. If payment is provided in any other currency or from a bank outside the U.S., additional processing fees may be charged.

AP Coordinator’s Manual, Part 2

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