
Ordering AP Exam Materials for Students Testing with Accommodations

Please note: Complete details about ordering AP Exams are available in the AP Coordinator’s Manual, Part 1.

Work with your school’s SSD coordinator to identify all students who will require accommodations for 2025 AP Exams. Assemble a list of these students to refer to when organizing your order in AP Registration and Ordering.

Students can take either format AP Exam—paper or digital—with their approved accommodations. Paper and braille formats will be available for digital subjects for students with College Board-approved accommodations for paper testing.

There are some details to be aware of regarding how you order materials depending on whether the exam subject is paper or digital.

Paper AP Exams

As with paper exams in previous years, indicate all approved or expected special exam formats or materials for each student with an applicable approved or expected accommodation before submitting your exam order.

Digital AP Exams (Fully Digital and Hybrid Digital)

Most accommodations are automatically applied to the exam order for a digital AP Exam based on the student’s accommodations on record through the College Board SSD office. There are some steps specific to digital AP Exams with accommodations.

  • Braille or Paper Formats: Once a student has been approved by the College Board SSD office for a paper testing accommodation, you’ll need to update your exam order to indicate that paper format for the student’s digital AP Exam. You won’t be able to order paper formats for digital AP Exams until the student has received approval from College Board. Important: To be able to order a Braille format of a digital AP Exam, a student must be approved for both a braille accommodation and a paper testing accommodation.
  • Multiple-Day Testing: Multiple-day testing is not automatically applied to a digital AP Exam order. If a student has approved accommodations that make them eligible for multiple-day testing, you’ll need to indicate that for the student’s digital AP Exam. Review details.
  • Confirming or Waiving Accommodations: Even though most accommodations are automatically applied, you need to confirm the accommodations that a student will need for their digital AP Exam. This is done per student, per exam in AP Registration and Ordering. Confirming the accommodations is important to ensure students receive the appropriately configured version of the digital exam. You can also waive accommodations for a student’s exam if needed. Review details.

Please keep in mind:

  • College Board must approve students’ accommodation requests.
  • Schools manage accommodations requests using SSD Online.
  • For the AP French, German, Italian, and Spanish Language and Culture Exams, AP Spanish Literature and Culture Exams, and AP Music Theory Exams, consult with the SSD coordinator to ensure that you are ordering sufficient master CDs for students needing extended time or any other accommodations that will require that they test in a separate room.

All requests for accommodations and, when required, complete documentation must be submitted through SSD Online by January 24, 2025.

Important: Exam materials don’t ship automatically based on accommodations approval—they must be included in the exam order. Special format exam materials will be shipped only if the AP coordinator has indicated this in AP Registration and Ordering and submitted the information as part of the exam order.

SSD Online is a separate system from AP Registration and Ordering. Submitting requests for accommodations and submitting your exam order are two different processes. Requests for accommodations are not submitted through AP Registration and Ordering.

Go to SSD Online for more information about submitting, tracking, and managing requests for accommodations.

Key Dates

Nov 15, 2024 11:59 PM ET

Final Ordering Deadline

This is the deadline for the AP coordinator to submit the exam order for all full-year and first- or fall-semester AP courses, and all exam only sections in AP Registration and Ordering.

Jan 24, 2025 11:59 PM ET

Deadline to Request Accommodations for AP Exams

By this date, all requests for accommodations and, when required, complete documentation must be submitted through SSD Online.

Mar 14, 2025 11:59 PM ET

Ordering Deadline for Spring Courses and to Change Fall Exam Orders

This is the exam ordering deadline for AP courses that begin after November 15—that is, second- or spring-semester, trimester, or block schedule courses—as well as the deadline to make changes to fall orders in AP Registration and Ordering.
