
Confirming or Waiving Accommodations

Learn how to confirm or waive accommodations for digital AP Exams.

AP coordinators assigning a student with approved accommodations to a digital exam (fully digital or hybrid digital) need to take some additional steps in AP Registration and Ordering to confirm students’ accommodations.    

Deadline: It’s recommended these steps be done at the same time the AP coordinator submits final exam order updates—but these steps can also be done after March 14 if needed. This should be done as soon as possible if you haven’t already done so and must be done no later than 48 hours before the scheduled digital exam date.  

To confirm a student’s accommodations for a digital exam:  

  1. Go to the student roster in AP Registration and Ordering. 
  2. Click a student’s name to go to their Student Details page. 
  3. On the Student Details page, click Digital Exam: Special Format or Hybrid Exam: Special Format next to the student’s digital exam subject.
  4. On the next screen, review the accommodations the student will receive on their digital exam, which is based on their approved accommodations on record through College Board SSD Online. Accommodations will be automatically shown as selected based on the student’s approvals.
    • Accommodations correct and no changes needed: No further action is needed.  
    • Student wants to waive accommodations: Follow instructions below for waiving accommodations.  
    • Additional accommodations required: If a student requires additional accommodations for a digital exam that they’re not already approved for, the request for accommodations must be submitted by the SSD coordinator through SSD Online as soon as possible.   
    • Accommodation not listed: If you don’t see an accommodation listed that the student is already approved for and should receive on the digital exam, contact the College Board SSD office as soon as possible. Note:  
      • Requests for accommodations may still be in the process of being evaluated by the College Board SSD office and therefore not yet shown in AP Registration and Ordering. Work with the SSD coordinator to verify whether the student’s accommodations have been approved. You can check accommodations in AP Registration and Ordering at a later point once a student’s request has been approved.   
    •  Multiple-day testing: Multiple-day testing is not automatically selected—the AP coordinator must indicate this accommodation. Complete details about multiple-day testing are in the new AP Accommodations Guide.   

Waiving Accommodations

If a student determines they no longer want to test with some or all of their approved accommodations, they can request accommodations to be waived for the digital exam. For instance, a student who normally needs extended time for writing longhand might determine they don’t need extended time when working on a computer.  

Deadline: Accommodations can be waived through AP Registration and Ordering after March 14 if needed. This should be done as soon as possible if you haven’t already done so and must be done no later than  48 hours before the scheduled digital exam date.  

If a student wants to opt out of using any or all of their approved accommodations, the AP coordinator should: 

  1. Get a letter from the student stating their intent to waive their approved accommodations. The letter should specify which accommodation(s) the student wants to waive and for which digital exam subject(s). Keep the letter on file at your school.
    • Students under age 18 must have their parent or guardian sign the letter acknowledging this waiver.  
    • Students 18 and over must sign the letter acknowledging this waiver.   
  2. Update the student’s accommodations for the digital exam in AP Registration and Ordering. Because digital exams will be enabled based on the student’s approved accommodations on record, removing the accommodation in AP Registration and Ordering is necessary so those accommodations are removed from the student’s digital exam.
    • Go to the student’s Student Details page in AP Registration and Ordering.   
    • Click Digital Exam: Special Format or Hybrid Exam: Special Format for the applicable exam subject. Note: If a student wants to waive accommodations for multiple exams, the AP coordinator needs to update the accommodations information for each exam the student is taking.   
    • From the next screen, deselect the accommodations the student wants to waive and click Update at the bottom of the screen.   

Confirm Accommodations in AP Registration and Ordering