
Student Enrollment

After students enroll in their class sections, the AP coordinator can manage student enrollment in AP Registration and Ordering and take actions to update the student roster.

Students join their class section in My AP.

At the start of the school year, students need to sign in to My AP using their College Board login information and enroll in each class section using the unique join code provided by the teacher of each AP class they’re taking. Students should enroll in their class sections by the second day of class.

AP coordinators manage student enrollment in AP Registration and Ordering.

AP coordinators monitor and manage student enrollment in AP Registration and Ordering. AP coordinators should establish a plan with counselors and teachers for tracking student schedule changes so they can update the roster in AP Registration and Ordering, before submitting the exam order.

If a student at your school joins an AP class after initial enrollment has ended or after the initial exam order has been submitted, the student will need the join code for the corresponding class section so they can enroll. If the initial exam order has already been submitted, the AP coordinator will need to update the order. Remember that only AP coordinators can view and share the join code for an exam only section.

AP coordinators may also need to drop a student from a class section or move a student to a different class section, and there may be students who transfer to or transfer out of the school.

It’s important that AP coordinators use the correct action in AP Registration and Ordering. If an action is used incorrectly, there’s a risk of incurring unintended late order or unused/canceled exam fees.

This table provides an overview of these actions. Please see the AP Coordinator’s Manual, Part 1 for details.

Drop a student from a class sectionA student who enrolled in a class section will no longer be taking the course. The student may or may not still be planning to take the exam.
Move a student from one class section to another 

There are two ways to move a student:
Option 1: The AP coordinator or teacher selects Change Section next to the student’s name and class section.

Option 2: The AP coordinator or teacher shares the join code for the new section with the student and the student enrolls in the new section through My AP.
A student needs to be moved from one class section to another class section for the same course in their school.

For example, a student is currently enrolled in Period 1 of AP Biology and needs to move to Period 2 of AP Biology.
Provide the student with the transfer code for each class section they need to enroll in.

It’s important to provide the student with the unique transfer code for each class section they need to enroll in, not the join code. By using the transfer code, the late order fee is not applied.
A student transfers to your school at any point during the school year.
Indicate the student as transfer out in AP Registration and Ordering.

It’s important to indicate the student as transfer out in AP Registration and Ordering. By indicating the student as transfer out, the roster in AP Registration and Ordering will be accurate and the exam fees associated with the student are removed from your final invoice.
A student transfers out of your school at any point during the school year.

A student roster can be downloaded in AP Registration and Ordering.

To help manage student enrollment, the AP coordinator can download a student roster from the Students page in AP Registration and Ordering.

The AP coordinator can apply filters in AP Registration and Ordering to download a customized list if preferred.

Important Notes

Make sure students select the correct school when they register.
Remind students to be careful when selecting their school name during registration. If students have to search for their school name, it’s possible there are multiple search results for the same school name. To ensure accurate score reporting, students need to select the correct school.

If you chose to have students indicate their intent to take the exam, give them a deadline.
If you’ve set the advanced setting for the student exam decision indicator, tell students the deadline by which they need to indicate whether they intend to take the exam. If you’ve left the student exam decision indicator at the default setting, students don’t need to indicate exam intent; they’ll be automatically set to an order exam status of Yes.

Make sure students understand how and when to indicate the recipient of their free score report.
If students would like a college, university, or scholarship program to receive their free score report, they need to indicate this online at The deadline for students to indicate or change the recipient for their free score report is June 20, 2025.



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